Published weekly since 1925, the Victoria Beach Herald is the latest and greatest news about the Club, the community, and its opinions. 

Click around for Heralds from past years or flick to the Current Page for latest 2023 issues.

Submissions should be sent via email to Those without access to email can place written submissions in the VB Herald mailbox behind the cash counter at the Victoria Beach General Store. Submission deadlines are end of day Fridays with the general exception of VB Club event convenor submissions for events occurring on weekends. 

The Herald is the summer newspaper of Victoria Beach. Published and distributed locally for free on weekends from late June to late August, this little newspaper chronicles the events and issues concerning the community. It is published by the Victoria Beach Club, complied and edited by summer residents and, much anticipated by its many readers, brought to the beach on Thursday evenings.

Chock-full of newsy bits essential to a successful stay at the beach, the Herald is pretty darn remarkable for two reasons: one, it is edited with content provided exclusively by dedicated volunteers, and, two, this has been the case in an unbroken run for almost 90 years. The Herald began publication in 1926 at the Victoria Beach News under pioneer resident and journalist John Conklin. Initially the paper was intended to entice cottage renters and buyers to the new resort but by 1929, it morphed into the Herald, its function evolved to explain Club activities and matters of interest on the local scene. Then as now, advertisements offset printing costs and inform readers of local and city services.

When, in 1950, editor Conklin retired after nearly 25 years, a new tradition began of cottagers volunteering for the role of editor for a few seasons at a time, learning the ropes and then handing the role along. While the task remains challenging and the deadlines ever tight, editors have plenty of content from the various convenors announcing and later reporting on Club events. This material formerly arrived on bits of paper or serviettes, hand written for the most part and full of names to decipher. Technological developments have facilitated the Herald’s content to be submitted and formatted digitally while full colour enriches its images and articles.
